Westfield Junior School

Each year, Westfield Junior School publishes its School Improvement Plan (SIP) which outlines priorities for school improvement.  These priorities are identified through external monitoring and our school self-evaluation which involves analysis of pupil attainment and progress data, the rigorous monitoring of the quality of teaching and learning, and analysis of parental feedback.


The School Improvement Plan is complemented by Subject Leader Action Plans which provide leadership and direction for each subject and ensure that the curriculum is managed and organised to meet the aims and objectives of the school.


Key Priorities 2024-25

Priority 1:

To improve outcomes for pupils with SEND in reading, writing and maths at the end of Key Stage 2.

Priority 2:

To increase the percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in writing by the end of Key Stage 2.

Priority 3: To improve pupils' mathematical fluency.
Priority 4: To teach children to respect and accept difference and diversity using the Equality Act 2010.
Priority 5:
To further develop leadership expertise at all levels.

Westfield Road, Hinckley, Leicestershire LE10 0LT

01455 637437
