Westfield Junior School

School Meals

Westfield Junior School encourage healthy eating by offering a variety of nutritious hot or cold meals.  All our meals include carbohydrates, proteins and vegetables, the crucial elements of a nutritionally balanced diet – and children are taught the importance of each to a balanced diet, so they can make the right choices.

We employ our own Catering Team and school dinners are cooked on site using locally sourced produce from our suppliers.




Our Catering Team cater appropriately for pupils requiring special diets.  Our Catering Manager and Business Manager communicate with parents to create personalised menus that will remain as close to the standard menu as possible to avoid children on special diets feeling alienated.  For further information on allergens, please contact the school office.


Free School Meals

Pupils may be entitled to Free School Meals.  For more information on who can get Free School Meals and how to apply contact the school office or click on the link: Claiming Free School Meals and application



We operate a cashless payment system for our school dinners, via Teachers2Parents which allows parents to add money to your child's account.  Dinners cost £2.40 per child.


 Menu - Apr 2024 (Allegens).pdfDownload
 Menu - March-July 2025.pdfDownload
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Westfield Road, Hinckley, Leicestershire LE10 0LT

01455 637437
