Westfield Junior School

Religious Education

Frequently Asked Questions


Can a parent withdraw their child from RE and collective worship?

RE is for all pupils and every pupil is legally entitled to Religious Education as part of a ‘broad and balanced’ curriculum. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from RE on the grounds that they wish to provide their own RE. Their request should be in writing to the Headteacher of the school and should make clear to them whether it is from all the subject or just part. The school has to make it clear what the educational objectives and the content of R.E. are so parents can make an informed choice. Where a parent withdraws their child, the school has a duty to supervise them – but not to provide additional teaching or incur cost. 

What do I do if a parent is unhappy about RE Teaching in the school?

The parent should discuss this with the Headteacher of the School.

What if I disagree with the Leicestershire Agreed Syllabus for RE?

You should write to the Clerk to the SACRE under Section 409 of the Education Act 1996 schools complaints procedure

How can a parent make an official complaint about RE in their child’s school?

The parent should go through Section 409 of the Education Act 1996 schools complaints procedure by following the school complaints policy.

How can I improve the 'spiritual dimension' of the curriculum for learners?

  • When considering the curriculum and particular aspects of teaching and lessons, plan opportunities to improve the spiritual dimension for pupils:
  • Take into account pupils’ beliefs, religious or otherwise, which inform their perspective on life and their interest in and respect for different people’s feelings and values.
  • Help pupils to understand a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them, including the intangible.
  • Support pupils in their use of imagination and creativity in their learning.
  • Help pupils to reflect on their experiences.


For further information: https://resources.leicestershire.gov.uk/education-and-children/schools-colleges-and-academies/leicestershire-sacre-standing-advisory-council-for-religious-education/about-leicestershire-sacre#:~:text=Parents%20have%20the%20right%20to,the%20subject%20or%20just%20part 

Westfield Road, Hinckley, Leicestershire LE10 0LT

01455 637437
